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giovedì 28 luglio 2011

New Band Plane for CB frequencies in Europe

Dear friends,

I'm vy happy to give you a real very good info.

The CEPT - ECC (European Electronic Communications Committee) with Decision (11) 03 dated 24 June 2011 has instituted a new Band Plane for CB frequencies in Europe. The range is 26.960 to 27.410 (as already in use in some European countries) but the most important points are the modes .. SSB (USB and LSB) and the power .. 12Watts !

In a short time all European countries will change their local regulations and, on the end, all will adopt the new european band plane, mode and power of emissions. ( Anyway no later than 01 October 2011) This is really a very important step for radio world and not only for the CB and 11mt band. In fact our hobby needs new enthusiasts and new younger people. As in the past, many of them will operate in DX and, first or later, will be also on ham bands.

Some Groups and CB clubs have already asked to AT group to indicate a call freq. on the legal band ....... !
It will be adopted by the rest. No doubts on AT side, they took decision: 27.355 USB (call and QSY) like on .555 !
New regulation will be adopted by all EU countries. (Oct 2011)
The equipment can be free portable in all EU with no more administrative authorization.
The most important are the legal use of SSB and the power.

In joined file the official CEPT-ECC decision

Best 73's

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